Tuesday, October 19, 2010

When Asthma Attacks... but thanks to Flixotide and Ventolin Salbutamol

Asthma- you may have it when you were a child and ended up not having it anymore or the other way around. 

Eversince i was a young kid, my asthma always attacks when i have colds, when dust strikes my nosetrils and when i smell strong perfumes... darn! It really does make me suffer. Anyway, when i know my asthma's coming.. my breathing's just simply narrowed and too bad to feel that it just kept me breath for more air. As if a feather is tickling my throat and definitely would then cause me the urge to ask for more air. Well, everything about asthma is scientific and many medicine nowadays as related to it. Either to cure it or just make you feel better.

I wrote this blog because as of the time i woke up this morning and felt that asthma's on it's way. I felt the difficulty of breathing and know that my phlegm's the cause of it since i have colds for 3 days

Yesterday, I already took ZYRTEC Citerizine- an anti-allergy drug because of the perfume of my brother wherein i smelled it in the entire house. Thinking that allergy's starting to attack me, i took the zyrtec and after a while I felt better and was able to have a good sleep. The following day, i thought i was better but i was even worse, I felt that asthma's going to strike me again after centuries of not having it.

So i stood up and i made a cup coffee because I know that hot water with anything of my choice does work to ease my breathing but sad to say, it didn't work for me today. 

Thinking of managing everything without any medicines, i then made a tea. 

A hot tea with 7 limes and a tablespoon of sugar. It did work well for a while compared to coffee but still my asthma's still there. I waited for an hour and wishing that the tea would actually work as magic but like the coffee, it did not do anything. I kept on coughing and had this breathing sound of asthma person. Since i have no choice, medicines are my last resort. So my dad and i went to the Drugstore (Mercury Drugstore) and bought a:

 Nasal Spray (FLUTICASONE FLIXOTIDE) and an Ihaler (SALBUTAMOL VENTOLIN). I was using this before but i lost my pouch bag  where i was placing these two. The Nasal Spray= P1121.00 and the Inhaler=P406.75. When i got home I eventually used the two. I used the inhaler first. I puffed it  and inhaled deeply for 20secs and after 20secs, that was the only time that i exhaled. It's because I wanted the med to reach my alveoli  before i exhale.  I did this 2 times. This can be used 2x every 8 hours with intervals of 15secs each. After the inhaler, i then used the Flixotide. I sprayed it in each of my nosetrils then inhaled. This spray is very powerful. It can even stops colds when it's about to start but beware of using this more than once a day because using this more than once daily can actually cause GLAUCOMA. So use this 1x a day in each nosetrils. After 20mins i felt much better. I was able to breath completely without that weird sound.

 Thanks to these 2!

  • works if you have colds. really does work well. really good!
  • prevent colds when it's about to attack
  • very handy
  • side effect if used more than once a day
  • price... well it's kinda expensive but it's very worth it.

  • works well.
  • handy
  • price.. i would prefer this than be brought to the hospital :D

  • none

Would i recommend this? 
Definitely YES. These two are my Lives. Without these, If ever my asthma attacks, I would suffer.

Recommended for: 
People whose asthma attacks when you have colds and for the people who has asthma now.

I hesitated to try these two but since my mom, who is currently a Nurse-Doctor, was the one who suggested this. I have no choice but to follow her...



  1. Hi Leah, i also suffer from asthma and allergies. Since i was a kid i have tough nights. Breathless nights.. I have nighttime asthma which makes it difficult for me to sleep, especially when i was as young as 5 years old. I always rely on meds, nebs, inhalers and steroids since then. Now, im 19. My life has changed, just a bit though. My asthma wasnt that bad now. I seldom use ventolin but im always with pred and seretide. Zyrtec or virlix if i ate food that will trigger my allergies.
    These meds really help and i agree with you.! Just sharing.
    Anyway, im having urticaria now and the itching wont stop . ��

  2. Hi Leah, i also suffer from asthma and allergies. Since i was a kid i have tough nights. Breathless nights.. I have nighttime asthma which makes it difficult for me to sleep, especially when i was as young as 5 years old. I always rely on meds, nebs, inhalers and steroids since then. Now, im 19. My life has changed, just a bit though. My asthma wasnt that bad now. I seldom use ventolin but im always with pred and seretide. Zyrtec or virlix if i ate food that will trigger my allergies.
    These meds really help and i agree with you.! Just sharing.
    Anyway, im having urticaria now and the itching wont stop . ��

  3. Hello Ms. Lea, Ask ko lang kung need pa ng prescription ng doctor ung mga meds. I really want one for my mother in law. Thank you! will appreciate feedback. :)

  4. Hi! Leah hopefully you:ll be able to reply :) do you and your dad bought the inhaler over the counter or with a prescription of your physician ? thank you :) I also have an asthma and wanted to buy an inhaler :D

  5. Hi Leah hopefully you'll be able to reply :) do you and your dad bought the inhaler over the counter or with a prescription of your physician ? thank you :) I also have an asthma and wanted to buy an inhaler :D
