Tuesday, October 19, 2010

God and His Saints, please hear my prayers...

(Leah Regina B. Vasquez)

To start, I want to apologize if ever this note would be as simple as it may be for I’ve never been great in writing stuffs. All I know is that, this will come from the bottom of my heart. ♥♥♥

Moving on… Well, I’d like to thank YOU, Dear God, for all the blessings that YOU’ve given me and my family. No other words can ever express how grateful I am for everything. I am who I am today because of you and for the choices I made yesterday with your guidance. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

Dear God, I want to be somebody someday because sometimes, seeing other people already up there really makes me feel hopeless and insecure. I know that I may not be that intelligent as others may be, I may not be that rich as the people I know are and I may not be that successful yet as others are right now BUT I want to make a promise in your presence and  for myself that I’ll also be on top and succeed as much as others have succeeded. It may take a long time but I assure MYSELF that MY time will also come. I'm willing to wait.

I don’t want to be assuming and to be futuristic but I know that as long as I FOCUS, I WORK HARD with PATIENCE  and HUMILITY and ofcourse by PRAYING HARDER unto YOU, someday I’ll achieve my goals for nothing is impossible in YOUR name.             

I know I can do these! I know I can! I know I can!  But never can, if YOU’re not by my side. ♥♥♥

You know too that I’m not perfect and may sometimes have a bad side but with your enlightenment, I can be the best of me. Please also help me to have a profound spiritual understanding for me to become a better person.

Well, Dear God, If Ever I will not achieve all of it, my FAITH will always be with YOU because I know that maybe, YOU have better plans for me.. So, Dear God, guide me on the right way, remove all the hatred and insecurities that I have, help me accept of what I’m capable of as for the moment and please lead me to the path of SUCCESS.   

 Unto this day, I offer this note to you with all my heart.

Lord God, Pray for us.
San Nazareno, Pray for us.
St. Jude Thaddeus, Pray for us
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Pray for us.     AMEN      

Leah Regina B. Vasquez
October 18, 2010
6:30 AM

San Nazareno-I always pray in Quiapo and attend mass there every Friday.He is very miraculous. 

St. Jude Thaddeus. He guides the people who are hopeless. 

St. Therese of the Child Jesus. She is the  Saint of whom i adore the most and whom i owe my license. Praying to her with all your heart will be always heard by her. The Saint whom i love so.

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