Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nokia C6

Nokia E63
When i was having my Nursing Review in Manila, I lost my phone ( Nokia E63). Apparently i didn't freak out maybe because losing something is not anymore new for me. I just asked my friend to call my number but she said that it was already turned off. I know the person who took it, basing from my judgement, but never really made a big deal out of it since one of my motto is "Once you lose something, it's either  it's not really mean't for you maybe becoz' the person who took it needs it more or maybe something better would be coming in return ...." well, maybe that was a good sign because after  a month of losing it, I'm a Nurse now.. *lol*

Anyway, enough of this crap! So then I need to find for a new phone since i need to contact my mom, dad, brother, boyfriend, etc.. well, i wanted a querty one and i dont want it to be a slide style because based from my experience, sliding phones can easily turn into pieces because of  it's flex. 
It took me a long time of what to decide for. 

Nokia X6
Is it either NOKIA C6  or X6? so i asked a friend who is an  expert on cellphones and he said for me to get the nokia X6 because of it's memory capacity, it's good features etc.. etc.. etc... After all the advices he gave me i was so dumb and so hard headed coz' i still had it in my own way! *lol* I bought the NOKIA C6= P13,500. Kinda worth the price though i have doubts because of it's flex.

Nokia c6
Anyway the Nokia C6 has 2gb capacity compared to X6 which has 16gb but i think the X6 no memory card. What the hell! why did i make the wrong choice? well mainly because the X6 cost more than C6 and i was traumatized of buying expensive phones. At first I was actually loving it but after a month i got so bore with it as if i want to sell it because of the features that mainly focus on business. I think i need to switch to other brands of phone. Iv'e been stuck with Nokia for centuries! Need time to change my brand! 

Nokia C6

  • handy
  • querty
  • worth the price.. i think..
  • nice shots for pictures 5Mpixel
  • has good WIFI reception
  • cheaper version of N97- maybe cheaper in price but it looks and has the same feature.

  • flex- after 2 mos.  of use, it's starting to loosen 
  • a bit heavy compared to nokia 5800 (my bro has this)
  • low memory -both internal and external
  • shuts down when it wants to shut down
  • sometimes, it hangs

Would i recommend this?

Well, i made a big mistake of buying this. but i have no choice but to love this.
My next target- IPHONE4.
Mom, If you'll be able to read this, I'm just here, waiting for a new IPHONE4. ♥ *wink*


God and His Saints, please hear my prayers...

(Leah Regina B. Vasquez)

To start, I want to apologize if ever this note would be as simple as it may be for I’ve never been great in writing stuffs. All I know is that, this will come from the bottom of my heart. ♥♥♥

Moving on… Well, I’d like to thank YOU, Dear God, for all the blessings that YOU’ve given me and my family. No other words can ever express how grateful I am for everything. I am who I am today because of you and for the choices I made yesterday with your guidance. Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

Dear God, I want to be somebody someday because sometimes, seeing other people already up there really makes me feel hopeless and insecure. I know that I may not be that intelligent as others may be, I may not be that rich as the people I know are and I may not be that successful yet as others are right now BUT I want to make a promise in your presence and  for myself that I’ll also be on top and succeed as much as others have succeeded. It may take a long time but I assure MYSELF that MY time will also come. I'm willing to wait.

I don’t want to be assuming and to be futuristic but I know that as long as I FOCUS, I WORK HARD with PATIENCE  and HUMILITY and ofcourse by PRAYING HARDER unto YOU, someday I’ll achieve my goals for nothing is impossible in YOUR name.             

I know I can do these! I know I can! I know I can!  But never can, if YOU’re not by my side. ♥♥♥

You know too that I’m not perfect and may sometimes have a bad side but with your enlightenment, I can be the best of me. Please also help me to have a profound spiritual understanding for me to become a better person.

Well, Dear God, If Ever I will not achieve all of it, my FAITH will always be with YOU because I know that maybe, YOU have better plans for me.. So, Dear God, guide me on the right way, remove all the hatred and insecurities that I have, help me accept of what I’m capable of as for the moment and please lead me to the path of SUCCESS.   

 Unto this day, I offer this note to you with all my heart.

Lord God, Pray for us.
San Nazareno, Pray for us.
St. Jude Thaddeus, Pray for us
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Pray for us.     AMEN      

Leah Regina B. Vasquez
October 18, 2010
6:30 AM

San Nazareno-I always pray in Quiapo and attend mass there every Friday.He is very miraculous. 

St. Jude Thaddeus. He guides the people who are hopeless. 

St. Therese of the Child Jesus. She is the  Saint of whom i adore the most and whom i owe my license. Praying to her with all your heart will be always heard by her. The Saint whom i love so.

When Asthma Attacks... but thanks to Flixotide and Ventolin Salbutamol

Asthma- you may have it when you were a child and ended up not having it anymore or the other way around. 

Eversince i was a young kid, my asthma always attacks when i have colds, when dust strikes my nosetrils and when i smell strong perfumes... darn! It really does make me suffer. Anyway, when i know my asthma's coming.. my breathing's just simply narrowed and too bad to feel that it just kept me breath for more air. As if a feather is tickling my throat and definitely would then cause me the urge to ask for more air. Well, everything about asthma is scientific and many medicine nowadays as related to it. Either to cure it or just make you feel better.

I wrote this blog because as of the time i woke up this morning and felt that asthma's on it's way. I felt the difficulty of breathing and know that my phlegm's the cause of it since i have colds for 3 days

Yesterday, I already took ZYRTEC Citerizine- an anti-allergy drug because of the perfume of my brother wherein i smelled it in the entire house. Thinking that allergy's starting to attack me, i took the zyrtec and after a while I felt better and was able to have a good sleep. The following day, i thought i was better but i was even worse, I felt that asthma's going to strike me again after centuries of not having it.

So i stood up and i made a cup coffee because I know that hot water with anything of my choice does work to ease my breathing but sad to say, it didn't work for me today. 

Thinking of managing everything without any medicines, i then made a tea. 

A hot tea with 7 limes and a tablespoon of sugar. It did work well for a while compared to coffee but still my asthma's still there. I waited for an hour and wishing that the tea would actually work as magic but like the coffee, it did not do anything. I kept on coughing and had this breathing sound of asthma person. Since i have no choice, medicines are my last resort. So my dad and i went to the Drugstore (Mercury Drugstore) and bought a:

 Nasal Spray (FLUTICASONE FLIXOTIDE) and an Ihaler (SALBUTAMOL VENTOLIN). I was using this before but i lost my pouch bag  where i was placing these two. The Nasal Spray= P1121.00 and the Inhaler=P406.75. When i got home I eventually used the two. I used the inhaler first. I puffed it  and inhaled deeply for 20secs and after 20secs, that was the only time that i exhaled. It's because I wanted the med to reach my alveoli  before i exhale.  I did this 2 times. This can be used 2x every 8 hours with intervals of 15secs each. After the inhaler, i then used the Flixotide. I sprayed it in each of my nosetrils then inhaled. This spray is very powerful. It can even stops colds when it's about to start but beware of using this more than once a day because using this more than once daily can actually cause GLAUCOMA. So use this 1x a day in each nosetrils. After 20mins i felt much better. I was able to breath completely without that weird sound.

 Thanks to these 2!

  • works if you have colds. really does work well. really good!
  • prevent colds when it's about to attack
  • very handy
  • side effect if used more than once a day
  • price... well it's kinda expensive but it's very worth it.

  • works well.
  • handy
  • price.. i would prefer this than be brought to the hospital :D

  • none

Would i recommend this? 
Definitely YES. These two are my Lives. Without these, If ever my asthma attacks, I would suffer.

Recommended for: 
People whose asthma attacks when you have colds and for the people who has asthma now.

I hesitated to try these two but since my mom, who is currently a Nurse-Doctor, was the one who suggested this. I have no choice but to follow her...
